Melody’s Hangout

Where I can talk about anything, and you get to read it!

Wow. My Life Is So Interesting November 8, 2008

Filed under: Books,Family,Scattered,Work — melodyag @ 10:53 am
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Can you here the sarcasm dripping from my voice?

Actually, I’m not complaining here. Fooled ya, didn’t I?

I was thinking the other day that it has been a month since I updated my blog. Wait. Over a month. So I had some extra time this morning and I thought that I would just sit down and type a few lines. Yeah. Subject matter? Hmmm… hmmm… hmmm… exactly. Like I said, I’m not complaining at all! I’m enjoying my life immensely, except for a few details. I am content, kind of.

I’m also pathetic. 🙂


We’re all moved into our new house. I love it! Especially the kitchen. *hugs the kitchen*

My new job is great! I’m getting along really well. I even won an Associate of the Month award a couple of days ago. I was so shocked! I get my own parking space for a month. 🙂

My sister is all moved out to Idaho! 😦 I miss her and my brother-in-law and all the little munchkins so much! They’re not going to be so little by the time I see them again. Oh well, it’s only a couple of months, Melody. You can handle it.

My siblings have sucked me into their obsession.  Trigun. We watched the anime, and loved it! So we got the manga from the library. I can’t believe I’m reading manga and going on with my sisters about it like I’m fifteen again. But it’s too much fun! I don’t have to grow up yet! I refuse to! I have to act grown up at my job and when I’m running my business, but not while I’m hanging out with my brother and sisters. So I won’t. 🙂

Oh yes, and I have an official ring now. 🙂 I’ve had it for quite a while, but because I’ve been so lazy about

Engagement Ring

updating this thing, you haven’t heard about ’til now. Whoever you are. So here is the promised picture!

Engagement Ring

One Response to “Wow. My Life Is So Interesting”

  1. Stone Rose Says:

    Wow, girl! Associate of the Month! Congrats! 🙂 Glad you’re enjoying your job.
    I’m fixing to change mine…lots of changes coming up for me in fact; could use a ton of God-given wisdom if you have some time to say a prayer for me… 😉

    Yeah, it’s great to hear him….I previewed his new album…is pretty good, but I’m sad he’s not doing anything like “Hello”, “Always be my Baby”, “The World I Know”, or “All I Really Need is You”…..he’s so good at those types of songs! Of course, I like the rocker too….just would like more of a mix… 🙂

    I only have about three more weeks of school left….then I hope to actually catch back up with everybody and get the blogs going again….I’ve been as bad as you have at that! 😆 No insult intended…..

    How’s Evan doing? The new house?

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